How do I upgrade, downgrade or cancel my subscription?

More or fewer data needs than you thought? 

You can upgrade or downgrade your current plan at any time, but please note that upgrades and downgrades are done instantly, while you still will be charged for your current plan and billing period. To downgrade or upgrade efficiently do it before the end of your current billing period. This date can be found in the payment history in your dashboard. 

How do I cancel?

1. Go to the pricing page

2. Choose 'free plan'

Please note that this change will be effective instantly, but you will still be charged for the current month. So cancel efficiently by choosing the free plan right before the end of your billing period. 

How do I downgrade or upgrade?

1. Go to the pricing page

2. Choose any of the plans to upgrade or downgrade your current plan.

Please note that this change will be effective instantly, but you will still be charged for the current month.

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